Barnsley Beekeepers

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Asian Hornet Credible Sighting – Westfield East Sussex

An Inspector from the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s (APHA), National Bee Unit has responded to a sighting of a lone Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in Westfield, Hastings, East Sussex on 19 January 2024 following a report by a member of the public after discovering it in the footwell of…

Asian Hornet – Gravesend, Kent

The National Bee Unit (NBU) responded to a credible sighting of Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) in Gravesend, Kent on the 20th of July. Shortly after NBU inspectors reached the site they located a small primary nest in a nearby residential garden. The nest was destroyed on the same day. It…

Asian Hornet Sighting – Canterbury, Kent

On Sunday 28th May a bee farmer, whilst doing a routine apiary inspection near Canterbury, Kent, recognised an Asian hornet that had been attracted to the colonies and knocked it down. The NBU has collected the specimen which will be analysed by scientists and follow up activities will take place…

Asian Hornet Sighting – Ashford, Kent

This invasive species week on Thursday 18th May the National Bee Unit received a credible triaged report of an Asian hornet discovered in a workshop, approximately 15 miles from Ashford in Kent. The insect was caught and will be analysed by scientists. This was a single hornet incursion and follow…


Statement from the British Beekeepers’ Association President, Anne Rowberry, on banned bee-killing pesticides: “The BBKA is totally opposed to the use of this and similar pesticides due to their effect on honeybees and other pollinators, and the wider environment. The UK government has yet again issued a licence for the…

Keeping Bees

In this section we look at some of the background issues behind bee keeping. What it’s all about, why keep bees, what to do and when, equipment, etc. We only cover a few of the main issues, so always remember that you can’t beat reading a good book (or several…

Honey Labelling Petition

Consider signing this petition. Obviously we recommend buying honey from your local beekeeper, but for those who don’t we want them to know exactly which country the honey that they are buying is from. Currently all honey packers have to put on the label is “A blend of EU and…

Update: Asian Hornet Dover District, Kent

National Bee Unit (NBU) inspectors are currently carrying out enhanced surveillance in the Dover district in response to a confirmed sighting of Asian hornet (Vespa velutina).  A single hornet was captured and reported on 17th July to the NBU by a local beekeeper. An NBU Inspector collected the sample which…

Scotland – Bee Health Report

Scotland’s Asian Hornet Contingency Plan and the Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP) Annual Report 2022-2023 were both published online this morning and can be accessed via the following news release: Bee Health Report – (

Asian Hornet Sightings Update

Two further Asian hornet queens have been found by the NBU in traps set as part of the spring trapping work being carried out. Both hornets were found in a single trap near Four Oaks, Kent, with one being found on 22nd April and a second hornet found on 24th…