Barnsley Beekeepers


Beekeeping records

All around the country, new beekeepers – fresh from attending a How to start beekeeping winter course – will be buying their first nuc, eagerly watching a bait hive for scout bees, or precariously teetering up a stepladder trying to entice a lost swarm (someone else’s) into a skep.Your first…

Honey bee starvation

Starvation of honey bees – recognition and prevention  During prolonged cold, wet periods and/or when there is a lack of forage, honey bee colonies may use up all their honey or sugar stores. This can frequently happen in spring when colonies are using up their last remaining winter stores to…

Informed decisions

One of the attractions of beekeeping is the seasonal variation, both within a single season and between one year and the next.Early colony expansion enables the spring nectar flow to be exploited, and leads simultaneously – almost inevitably and so reasonably predictably – to swarming. Colonies are re-queened (or re-queen…