Our commitment to Equality and Diversity
Barnsley Beekeepers Association recognises that many people in our society experience discrimination or lack of opportunity for reasons which are not fair. These include: race, religion, creed, colour, national and ethnic origin, political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability (including mental illness), HIV status, marital status, responsibility for dependants, geographical area, social class, income level or criminal record.
Barnsley Beekeepers Association is committed to a Policy of Equality of Opportunity which respects the identity, rights and value of each individual. Barnsley Beekeepers Association is positively committed to oppose all direct and indirect discrimination in the organisation.
Barnsley Beekeepers Association will :
- Challenge discrimination and lack of opportunity in its own policy and practice
- Aim to create a culture that respects and values each others’ differences
- Ensure all Committee Members and volunteers will be made aware of the objectives within this policy and encouraged to support its objectives.
Discrimination, bullying, harassment or exclusion are unacceptable and behaviour of this kind will not be tolerated. Racist, sexist or discriminatory remarks during meetings or when conducting committee business will not be tolerated.
Any breach of this policy will be promptly dealt with by the Barnsley Beekeepers Association Committee.
In addition Barnsley Beekeepers Association will :
- Ensure diversity amongst members is valued and individual skills will be utilised.
- Ensure that the same opportunities for involvement will be provided for every member with regards to training, election of officers, the formation of sub-groups and the delegation of tasks.
- Ensure the differing needs of individual members will be taken into account when booking venues and arranging the dates and times for meetings.
- Meetings will be arranged so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend and to gain access to a venue.
- Put in place procedures in order to deal with any form of harassment, unfair discrimination, incidents or complaints.
- The implementation and effectiveness of the Equality and Diversity Policy will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by the committee.
Anyone with a complaint or who wishes to report an incident should notify the committee by writing to the committee secretary. All such incidents and
complaints will be dealt with at the next committee meeting after receipt. Each incident or complaint will be dealt with on its own merits.