The National Bee Unit has several vacancies for Seasonal Bee Inspectors (SBIs) across England and Wales. If you are interested in applying for the job, please follow this link that will take you to the vacancy advertised in the Civil Service Jobs and apply before 11:55 pm on Thursday 29th…
Latest information regarding Asian hornet early season surveillance
From the analysis conducted at Fera Science Ltd a number of areas have been identified where there is a low risk that Asian hornet queens have overwintered. In response the NBU are making plans to carry out spring trapping, including how to work collaboratively with stakeholders to monitor traps at…
NBU’s Plans for Early Season Surveillance
From the analysis conducted at Fera Science Ltd a number of areas have been identified where there is a low risk that Asian hornet queens have overwintered. In response the NBU are making plans to carry out spring trapping, including how to work collaboratively with stakeholders to monitor traps at…
Asian Hornet Credible Sighting – Westfield East Sussex
An Inspector from the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s (APHA), National Bee Unit has responded to a sighting of a lone Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in Westfield, Hastings, East Sussex on 19 January 2024 following a report by a member of the public after discovering it in the footwell of…
My Apiaries Page – issue
Monday 22nd January Whilst we investigate a issue with the My Apiaries page, which allows you to add and edit apiary details, we have temporarily removed beekeeper’s access to the page. If you need to update your apiary details, please do return in a few days. We apologise for the…
2023 Hive Count
The National Bee Unit is pleased to launch the 2023 National Hive Count today, 1st of November. The hard slog of summer beekeeping is done so make yourself a nice cup of tea, grab your laptop and sink into your favourite chair. It’s time to update your BeeBase records! We…
Asian Hornet Watch App – Downtime
Essential server maintenance will occur on the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) watch app during 27th September until early 28th September. During this time sightings of Asian hornet need to be emailed to . When reporting via email please include a photograph or clear description including the insect’s behaviour, the location…
February 2023 – 2022 Hive Count
Over 11,000 beekeepers updated their details on BeeBase during the 2022 hive count compared to almost 9,000 in 2021. There are currently more than 48,000 beekeepers registered on BeeBase and approximately 23% of those contacted updated their records. The 2022 hive count produced a figure of 288,311 colonies in the…
2023 Asian Hornet Rolling updates
08/08/2023 – Update Kent Folkestone A further two nests (primary and secondary) have been located at a single location in Folkestone over the weekend. Destruction is due to take place today. In addition, the NBU is monitoring the site at Hawkinge and carrying out active surveillance at two other sites…
Asian Hornet Sighting – Ashford, Kent
This invasive species week on Thursday 18th May the National Bee Unit received a credible triaged report of an Asian hornet discovered in a workshop, approximately 15 miles from Ashford in Kent. The insect was caught and will be analysed by scientists. This was a single hornet incursion and follow…