Barnsley Beekeepers

Asian Hornet Sightings Update May 2024

Asian Hornet Sightings Update May 2024

On 10th May, a further hornet was found near Four Oaks, East Sussex, in traps that the NBU has been monitoring in the area. This makes a total of five queens caught in this area.

Two further hornets have been captured and killed in Kent. On 15th May, a hornet was found in a monitoring trap set by a beekeeper in Denton. On 16th May, a hornet was found by a member of the public in Etchinghill.

The specimens have been collected and sent to the lab for official confirmation and analysis.

On 21st May, the NBU responded to a report of Asian hornet in Canterbury, Kent. A primary nest was found at the location which was removed and has been sent to the lab for official confirmation and analysis. The NBU will continue to monitor the area for any hornet activity.

Please note, in our previous update, we incorrectly referred to Four Oaks and Rye as being in Kent instead of East Sussex. We apologise for any confusion caused by this error.

Please report sightings of Vespa velutina using the Asian hornet Watch app for Apple devices android devices or online form.

Please direct all media enquiries to Defra Press Office.