Barnsley Beekeepers

Asian Hornet 2024 Rolling update

Asian Hornet 2024 Rolling update

 To view location of destroyed nests please visit the map page and choose the Asian Hornet map layer


As of 24/05/2024:

18 Asian hornets have been reported in the UK 2024.

1 Asian hornet nest has been killed.


Sighting Photo  Grid Ref: Date initial sighting  Date confirmed by Lab. Location County Reported by Sighting/ Nest Other information  Date nest destroyed
Asian Hornet on grey background TQ81  17/01/2024 No sample Westfield   East Sussex  Member of Public Unconfirmed single hornet   Footwell of car
 Asian Hornet on flowering plant - photo credit: G K Bradbury TR25  08/03/2024  11 March  Ash  Kent   Member of Public  Single Hornet  Hibernating in a plant pot   –
 Asian Hornet on concrete flooring - photo credit Chris Green  SD52  19/03/2024  No sample  Preston Lancashire  Member of Public Unconfirmed single hornet   Warehouse  –
 Asian hornet  TQ59 21/03/2024  22/3/2024  Romford Greater London Beekeeper  Single Hornet  Dead insect on floor of workshop  –
 Asian hornet © Rosie Campbell  TR24 8/4/2024  No sample  Ferry English Channel  Member of the public  Unconfirmed single hornet   –  –
 Asian hornet in trap  TQ82 13/4/2024  16/4/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector  Single hornet  NBU spring monitoring  
 Asian hornet in trap TQ82 22/4/2024   24/4/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector  Single hornet  NBU spring monitoring  
 Asian hornet in trap TQ82 24/4/2024 25/4/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector Single hornet  NBU spring monitoring  
 Asian hornet TR13 5/5/2024  10/5/2024 Lympne Kent Member of the public  Single hornet  Found in conservatory  
 Asian hornet in trap TQ82 10/5/2024 13/05/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector Single hornet NBU spring monitoring  
  TQ82 10/5/2024 13/05/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector Single hornet NBU spring monitoring second site  
 Asian hornet and European hornet TQ82 18/5/2024 21/05/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector Single hornet NBU spring monitoring  
  TR13 15/05/2024 17/05/2024 Etching Hill Kent Member of the public Single hornet    
 Asian hornet TR24 15/5/2024 17/05/204 Denton Kent Beekeeper Single hornet AHT spring monitoring  
 Asian hornet TR24  20/05/2024  22/05/2024 Alkham Kent Member of the public  Single hornet    
  TQ82  20/05/2024  22/05/2024 Four Oaks East Sussex Inspector Single hornet NBU spring monitoring  
 Asian hornet primary nest with Queen TR25  21/05/2025  24/05/2024 Barham near Canterbury  Kent Member of the public Single hornet and primary nest Roof near road  21/05/2024
 Asian hornet TR34 21/05/2024 24/05/2024 St Margaret’s Kent Inspector   NBU spring monitoring  


To note:

  • Sighting photos not always available.
  • ‘Date of initial sighting’, sometimes shows that sightings are reported retrospectively.
  • ‘Date confirmed by Lab’ is the date sightings are confirmed formally by a laboratory and includes delivery times.


Please report sightings of Vespa velutina using the Asian hornet Watch app for Apple devices android devices or online form.