Barnsley Beekeepers

Updated content: Foulbrood advisory leaflet

Updated content: Foulbrood advisory leaflet

Our ‘Foulbrood disease of honey bees’ advisory leaflet has been updated. European foulbrood and American foulbrood are the main focus of this leaflet, as they are statutory notifiable diseases in the UK, and must be reported to the NBU. Recognising the signs of these diseases is particularly important for all beekeepers and this leaflet provides details on what to look for.

This booklet also provides an overview of the biology and management of the other most common brood diseases in the UK, and describes the signs to look out for in identifying them and advice on their prevention or treatment, incorporating up to date recommendations from scientific research. Please view our updated leaflet here.


Foulbrood disease of honey bees leaflet cover   EFB advisory leaflet cover page in Welsh