Barnsley Beekeepers

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Checking Colonies for Disease

Spring is an excellent time to check your colonies for disease because the population in the hive is low…er than in summer. To carry out a disease inspection each brood frame is carefully checked for the queen before the bees are shaken into the brood box: this means that the…

Contact Us

Membership Enquiries: See membership page first, then if you have other questions: email Swarms or bees in houses or bird boxes: here General Enquiries: email (no swarm enquiries please, see swarms page) Website Enquiries: email Education Enquiries: email Apiary manager: email Asian Hornet Coordinator: email (please look at our Asian…


Bee, beekeeping and bug related sites: British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) The BBKA is the UK umbrella organisation for most regional beekeeping associations in the UK. The BBKA represents the interests of British beekeepers at a political lobbying level and provides information and support to its members Yorkshire Beekeepers Association The…

Varroa advisory leaflet update

Our ‘Managing Varroa‘ advisory leaflet has been updated. This update includes the most up to date recommendations on Varroa treatments, the latest scientific evidence about the biology of Varroa mites, an expanded monitoring section and links and QR codes for easy access to other relevant documents. To learn more about…

2023 Hive Count

The National Bee Unit is pleased to launch the 2023 National Hive Count today, 1st of November. The hard slog of summer beekeeping is done so make yourself a nice cup of tea, grab your laptop and sink into your favourite chair. It’s time to update your BeeBase records! We…

Seasonal Bee Inspector Vacancies

The National Bee Unit has several vacancies for Seasonal Bee Inspectors (SBIs) across England and Wales. If you are interested in applying for the job, please follow this link that will take you to the vacancy advertised in the Civil Service Jobs and apply before 11:55 pm on Thursday 29th…

Getting Started

There are many reasons why we may want to keep bees. Some of the more obvious reasons include: producing your own honey, an interest in social insects, flower pollination, business reasons, the challenge of doing it or to help protect the environment. Whatever your reason, there are a number of…

Beekeeping news

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First confirmed Asian Hornet sighting in 2024 – Ash, Kent

Photo credit G K Bradbury An Asian hornet was found in a potting shed by a member of the Ash Horticultural Society, Kent on Friday 8th March and reported through the Asian Hornet watch app. The hornet was collected by an Animal and Plant Health Agency bee inspector the same…