Barnsley Beekeepers

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Swarm Collections

Do you have a swarm of bees in Barnsley? We may be able to help collect some honey bee swarms. Our Association is made up of private individuals who are often at work or may be away. We are not qualified or insured to carry out “works” on properties and are…

Privacy Policy

What personal data does Barnsley BKA collect? The data we routinely collect includes members’ names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers. We collect this data directly from our members when they join the Association. For some of our members we may have additional information such as committee memberships, beekeeping and…


The British Beekeepers Association Examinations If you are interested in taking any of the certificates or modules, please contact our Education Officer.   Basic Certificate An oral and practical test held at any suitable apiary and conducted by a BBKA Assessor. It is open to all who have managed at least…

Horsely Method

Developed by Yorkshireman Arthur Horsley, the board which carries his name is commonly used to control bees about to swarm. Similar in principle to the Snelgrove Method, the horsley board is often favoured over the latter because of it’s simpler design and method of operation. Like all other swarm control boards,…

Honey Bee Sexes

Honey bee colonies are perennial in nature. They undergo an annual cycle based around the seasons however they persist in the hive year-on-year. This differs from similar creatures such as bumble bees and common wasps where the colony – in effect – collapses at the end of the season. Bumble bees and…

CaSCA Events

BIBBA CaSCA One-Day Course 2024 Sat 27th Jan Ossett Community Centre Prospect Road, Ossett, Yorkshire. WF5 8AN   Sun 28th Jan Clayton Community Centre Northwood Lane,  Staffordshire, ST5 4BT   Sat 3rd Feb Lawshall Village Hall, Harrow Green, Suffolk IP29 4PB   Sun 4th Feb Denton Village Hall, Vicarage Lane.…

Early Years Events 2024

One-day beekeeping course 2024 “The Early Years” A course for progressive beekeepers Sat 17th Feb: Lawshall, Suffolk Sun 18th Feb: Denton, Northampton About the course A one-day course to help and encourage beekeepers in their formative years who wish to move on from their initial teaching, gaining ideas, knowledge and…

Beekeepers of Barnsley

Welcome to the Barnsley Beekeepers Association website, the home of bee keeping in and around Barnsley, in South Yorkshire. The Barnsley Beekeepers Association, a local branch of the Yorkshire Beekeepers Association (YBKA) and a part of the larger British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) network, welcomes you to our community. At Barnsley…


It is a simple fact that honey bees can sting. They don’t go out of their way to sting. They don’t intend to harass us and cause pain at the first opportunity. Honey bees sting usually in a selfless act of defence of their colony and occasionally as a self…

Beekeeping Year

To be a successful beekeeper, it is important to do the right things at the right time. Honey bees are wild creatures and they respond to seasons and the flora around them. We have to keep up with the bees and not the other way round. Knowing what to do…