At the beginning of April, the NBU began spring trapping in areas identified as high risk. Traps have been set at locations across Kent, East Sussex, Devon and North Yorkshire to monitor for signs of Asian hornet activity. On the 13th of April, a single hornet was caught in one…
Varroa advisory leaflet update
Our ‘Managing Varroa‘ advisory leaflet has been updated. This update includes the most up to date recommendations on Varroa treatments, the latest scientific evidence about the biology of Varroa mites, an expanded monitoring section and links and QR codes for easy access to other relevant documents. To learn more about…
Fact sheet update: Estimating Varroa populations
We have updated our fact sheet entitled ‘Estimating Varroa mite populations’. This document details three step-by-step methods for monitoring Varroa mites in hives; counting the natural mite drop, uncapping drone brood and the ethanol-wash method.
Accessing beekeeper log-in
05/04/2024 Please note that we have temporarily remove the login page from this website which allows access to beekeepers personal details and apiary details, whilst we investigating a fault.
Scotland – Bee Health Report
Scotland’s Asian Hornet Contingency Plan and the Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP) Annual Report 2022-2023 were both published online this morning and can be accessed via the following news release: Bee Health Report – (
Asian Hornet Sighting Update – Preston, Lancashire and Romford, East London
Photograph credit: Chris Green On the 20th and 21st of March the National Bee Unit received credible reports of lone Asian hornets. The first was in Preston, Lancashire at a warehouse with regular trucks arriving from France. A bee inspector attended, set traps and is monitoring the location with support from the…
Fact sheet update: Asian hornet monitoring
Our Asian hornet monitoring fact sheet has been updated (Welsh version). The update includes information on a small selection of commercially available selective traps that can be used for spring monitoring and guidance on setting up monitoring stations for summer monitoring.
First confirmed Asian Hornet sighting in 2024 – Ash, Kent
Photo credit G K Bradbury An Asian hornet was found in a potting shed by a member of the Ash Horticultural Society, Kent on Friday 8th March and reported through the Asian Hornet watch app. The hornet was collected by an Animal and Plant Health Agency bee inspector the same…
Beekeeping news
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Hive Count 2023
Over 8,500 beekeepers updated their details on BeeBase during the 2023 hive count compared to over 11,000 in 2022. There are currently more than 49,000 beekeepers registered on BeeBase and approximately 18% of those contacted updated their records. The 2023 hive count produced a figure of 252,577 colonies in the UK.…