First Year
- Hive Complete national hive & stand in (Open mesh floor, national brood box with runners, 2 x supers, Queen excluder, crown board & roof)
- Brood Frames DN4 x11 (Nucs usually come on 5 or 6 frames anyway so you might only need 5 or 6 initially, but be prepared for needing more)
- super frames – SN4 x22
- Foundation (BS Deep and shallow if you've a national hive)
- Full bee suit recommended. (You’ll also need boots or wellies and gloves of your choice – Marigolds or nitrile)
- Hive tool Stainless steel
- Smoker Stainless steel
- Rapid feeder
- Varroa treatment – the association tend to do a bulk buy late summer for members to join in
- Feeder Contact feeder
- Dummy board Ply
- Uncapping fork Plastic handle
- Bee brush Wooden with natural bristles
- Strainer Standard double sieve £20.00
- Honey tank 25L plastic settling tank with valve
Second Year
- Queen handling queen marking cage or push in queen marking cage
- Queen marker pen
- Extra kit ready for manipulations.